Monday, October 4, 2010

Back & Undecided

Being away for long long time did not stopped me from getting through my days. But I was really sceptical to back in blogging business. After months of evaluation of both myself and maybe the world, evaluation brings no where near to answers. These few months have put a mark, a scar and maybe a hole in my life. The feel for not being in somebody's picture leads to nothing but depression. Everyone who has the greatest mind of all will also has the greatest problems. All these while, I've been really trying to achieve the followings, but..........

1. To be happy when not happy
2. To satisfy the needs and feels of everyone
3. To appear the best to people although not

Life is hard, people use to say when others are happy, he/she will also be. Am I?
Maybe I live in a good life with over exegerated problems. Who knows?

Live life the best out of it. I will be back if my ship ever lands back here.

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