Monday, October 4, 2010

Back & Undecided

Being away for long long time did not stopped me from getting through my days. But I was really sceptical to back in blogging business. After months of evaluation of both myself and maybe the world, evaluation brings no where near to answers. These few months have put a mark, a scar and maybe a hole in my life. The feel for not being in somebody's picture leads to nothing but depression. Everyone who has the greatest mind of all will also has the greatest problems. All these while, I've been really trying to achieve the followings, but..........

1. To be happy when not happy
2. To satisfy the needs and feels of everyone
3. To appear the best to people although not

Life is hard, people use to say when others are happy, he/she will also be. Am I?
Maybe I live in a good life with over exegerated problems. Who knows?

Live life the best out of it. I will be back if my ship ever lands back here.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Silence Keeper

I had been away for a very long time due to many reasons that came into my life over the past few months. So many came by, yet so many left. But what I noticed after i came back, I felt that I don't exist to somebody anymore. Very often, I was pulled away from many subjects that left me without my shadow. I am no more identical, non-existing human being. Words of words have been printed, and yet, I am nowhere near. Not being pessimistic, but just sad...... for not being known.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Someday, Somehow, You'll Realize It's Just a Small World

"Enter", and here comes Legion passes for two in GSC One Utama this weekend. The trailer for this show somehow gave me the interest for the show, but similar to many lousy movies, they had a great trailer too. Who knows rite?

Yesterday, I just realized that the world was so small that I couldn't imagine myself. My ex-colleague, friend, was a friend of my girlfriend's brother, from the same school in the same year. What a coincidence! GOD must be playing tricks with me. Hahahaha....... So funny.

Weekend is coming close, everybody has a long long weekend. Some have 3 days off and some even have 4 days off. I wish I have. Next week will be a hectic week for me as I am scheduled to travel to Penang for duty. Then, the Malacca project will come in right after that. Short weekend with a long working days ahead. Hopefully a stress free Chinese New Year comes after the rain. Give me nothing but Prosperity, as in WEALTH.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Unaware Useless Un-Supportive

Today, I was once again wasn't so happy as I always live life clueless not knowing what happened around me. Yesterday, I just got to know a colleague who was sitting directly in front of me had his last day in the company. Then, I wasn't even aware of the closest person of me having so much trouble in her job. Was I blind, deaf or dead? What has happened around me doesn't seem to pass through my ears, until the very last day when something has happened. Sometimes, communication plays a very important role in supporting and to show endless care to a person. But where has the line gone? What can I do now? How can I provide support? Again, I m clueless. I need guidance. It is very true that the world can definitely spin even without my existence. So, who needs me? If I would to be offered a role in Hollywood, I will definitely get the role of "Hollow Man". The invisible man.....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cactus Anger

Cactuses are commonly referred as plants surfaced with spikes. Knowing the danger of touching it, I did it one fine day. Without any bad intentions or second thoughts, I took a step forward and approached it. As my hand landed on it, my confused nerves were attacked and negative or so-called "bad", "sad" or "disappointed" impulses were sent, travelling all over my body and caused a massive depression of the brain. One will never know how serious the impact was. The anger of the cactus shadowed every other emotions and feelings in the air, causing a very bad experience for me as I was really stunned at that moment and not knowing what can I do. It was far worse than I expected and I had a terrible drive. The sky literally fell on me and I could seriously felt the weight. Can I ever touch a cactus without causing any injuries? I've tried with love and care, but it failed. Why? Maybe, every living organism in this world has the common instinct for self protection. Why am I so stupid? I was really disappointed with the outcome and my action itself. I will never get near the always protected plant, neither today nor tomorrow.

Disappointed and Regreted.
....... and now, I felt so CONFUSED.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Live Talk

How would a man desire his life to be? One may ask for a simple life, but others would prefer a more challenging life. However, there are always ups and downs in every one's life regardless of status, races and lifestyle. Human life is a series of unpredictable events and complicated at times, depending on how would a man lead his life. Both women and men may live life to a different extend but both live towards a common goal, i.e; happiness in life. Below is an anonymous statement extracted from a live conversation.

h0rn9 Y- says:

  • u see him
  • he became bad before, bankrupt before, go jail before, kena tembak before, breakup with gf before.
  • but he still successful in the end
  • dont u think this type of life very interesting?
  • we only live once
  • must b a very interesting life de
  • cannot just simple
  • if u want simple life, then next time u ask god to reborn u as a tortoise ba
  • just walk, eat n sleep for 100 years...
  • very simple de
  • v must take risk to improve our life, the bigger the risk, the more challenging, the more the reward and oso the more the negative impact if fail
  • but if u win, u will feel very satisfy
  • if u fail, god is giving u a chance to prove to people that u can start again from zero
  • that is why every couple oso must got argument only fun
  • if ur gf dun argue with u n just agree to what u say, then u go marry a robot who only know how to say "YES" to u ba.

How far will you agree with the man made the statement above? Has he defined what life suppose to be? Perhaps, the definition of life as people would like to live is rather subjective. Live life as you lead!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Above the Rest

Dubai has always been a place for remarkable architectual and luxurious lifestyles. At the present of the financial slump hitting it's capital, the Burj Dubai was still able to make its way for it's grand launching few days ago. There came a new record for being the tallest man-made structure ever. The construction of the Burj Dubai took about 5 years with luxury hotel, residential units, commercial office space and suites, swimming pools, observation deck and other luxury amenities in plan. The height of the Burj Dubai surpassed the Taipei 101 (July 2007) with its design came from a Chicago-based architectual firm and primary contractors for the project was South Korean based company, Samsung, along with Besix (Belgian firm) and local Arabtec. The estimated cost for the project was USD $ 4.1 billion.

Here are some interesting facts:

1. The height of the tower is estimated at 818 meters (2 684 feet).

2. The Burj Dubai has 164 floors and the spire of the Burj Dubai can be seen from a distance of up to 95 kilometers away..

3. The Burj Dubai has the tallest observation deck at 442 meters high.

4. The total amount of concrete used on the building is the equivalent weight of about 100 000 elephants.

5. The Burj Dubai has the fastest elevators in the world with it's double dack cabin travel up to 18 meters per second or 40 miles per hour.

Currently, there are several supertall skyscrapers under construction in the 500 to 600 meter range but none that are anywhere close to the Burj Dubai's 818 meters. There are several proposed buildings that would be much taller than the Burj Dubai, but it is uncertain whether any of the towers will actually be built. The Pentominium, another Dubai skyscraper currently under construction, is scheduled to have 120 floors and 618 meters tall. Once the tower is complete, it will become the world's tallest ever all-residential building. The Incheon tower, currently under construction in South Korea, is scheduled to have 151 floors and 610 meters tall. It was scheduled to be finished in 2012.

These are among the proposed buildings that would exceed the Burj Dubai's height:

1. The Shimizu Pyramid that would be constructed over the Tokyo Bay, Japan, would be 12 times the height of the Giza's Great Pyramid and become the world's largest man-made structure at 2 004 meters (6 575 feet) tall.

2. The Jabeer Tower of Kuwait is projected to be 1 852 meters tall.

3. The Mile High Tower for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia estimated to reach 1 600 meters (5 249 feet).

4. Nakheel Tower, Dubai - 1 400 meters (4 593 feet) and several others.

Here are the height comparison for several supertall skyscrapers (picture dated 31st December 2009).
(compiled from