Thursday, January 28, 2010

Someday, Somehow, You'll Realize It's Just a Small World

"Enter", and here comes Legion passes for two in GSC One Utama this weekend. The trailer for this show somehow gave me the interest for the show, but similar to many lousy movies, they had a great trailer too. Who knows rite?

Yesterday, I just realized that the world was so small that I couldn't imagine myself. My ex-colleague, friend, was a friend of my girlfriend's brother, from the same school in the same year. What a coincidence! GOD must be playing tricks with me. Hahahaha....... So funny.

Weekend is coming close, everybody has a long long weekend. Some have 3 days off and some even have 4 days off. I wish I have. Next week will be a hectic week for me as I am scheduled to travel to Penang for duty. Then, the Malacca project will come in right after that. Short weekend with a long working days ahead. Hopefully a stress free Chinese New Year comes after the rain. Give me nothing but Prosperity, as in WEALTH.



LoveMyEverything@@@ said...

It is a funny story because your friend know your girl friend's brother first since in form 1 , then he know your gf's father in form 5 later in his working area, after 4 years, he has a best friend in his x working area, and what the funny joke is ...... after 1 years, he know his best friend 's gf is his friend's sister??????? blur jor , hahahha, but i think in future if your friend join his best friend "w" dinner, sure he will meet his secondary school friend , your gf's brother.... wah , listenly so blur...............

@pple Prince said...

hmmmm.......... so somplicated. This like a facebook story where one links to another. By the way, there are many coincidence that are not known yet. Maybe one day you will find out that someone who you do not know may be one of your relative. So treat everyone nice, coz you will never be sure how is he/she related to you. Like my farm, people says dog is men's best friend. But sometimes, donkey may top the dog as men's best friend. Good Day!

LoveMyEverything@@@ said...

ya, u r right , so next time if i saw black bear in the road , i sure will treat it very nice, i will buy a lot of banana for "him", black bear and donkey is best friend ma .

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