Friday, January 22, 2010

Unaware Useless Un-Supportive

Today, I was once again wasn't so happy as I always live life clueless not knowing what happened around me. Yesterday, I just got to know a colleague who was sitting directly in front of me had his last day in the company. Then, I wasn't even aware of the closest person of me having so much trouble in her job. Was I blind, deaf or dead? What has happened around me doesn't seem to pass through my ears, until the very last day when something has happened. Sometimes, communication plays a very important role in supporting and to show endless care to a person. But where has the line gone? What can I do now? How can I provide support? Again, I m clueless. I need guidance. It is very true that the world can definitely spin even without my existence. So, who needs me? If I would to be offered a role in Hollywood, I will definitely get the role of "Hollow Man". The invisible man.....

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