Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye "Two Zero Zero Nine"

The year 2009 witnessed events of many types, both positives and negatives. The death of the King of Pop was one of the biggest lost of 2009. Alongside, came the H1N1 pandermic flu that hit the entire world, causing deaths in many countries. On the bright side saw the world economy started to regain gradually from the severe 2008 economy crisis. The earth rotates constantly as human move forward everyday, leaving heartbreaking and fond memories behind. The next thing you know, 2010 has arrived.
2009 had been a year of both career and love. After one full year employed in Wellness Lab, I finally made up my mind to quit from my post and hunt for a job elsewhere. At first, it was a crazy thought to me as recession was hitting all over the world, it wasn't anywhere near easy to be hired. Then, I was unemployed for two and a half week before I was being employed by Sysmex Malaysia. Challenging days ahead.

Then, the second half of the year was love to everyone. Firstly, I attended my cousin's wedding in Singapore and that was the mark of the beginning of marriage season. The happy couple just received a very precious gift, little Charlotte, about a month ago. Then, my friends, my relatives, my colleagues got tied to the knot one after another. Everyone around me seems to move so fast in life. Maybe, my time has yet to come. :) Well, at the very least I could say, my relationship with Pei Wen has moved to a stage forward. My trip to Malaaca with her was simply a memorable one. The year of 2010 will start with a poor note.
The start of the year 2010 will see the payment of my car insurance, road tax, and renewal of driving license at the very beginning of the year. With credit card bill expected to be at the very minimal, it is my hope to have a maximum level of savings for the year ahead. Let there be a prosperous year ahead.

Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

The End of Jobless Days

Being a vegetarian at times do prove unpredictable blessings for being holy. After lunch, on the way back from Sunway Pyramid, I received a call from the princess saying that she found a job for the holidays. Having handful of experience in children education (used to work in Da' Vinci Creative Arts for kids), she was once again employed in a similar job. Now, she works with children with age ranging from 7 years to 11 years. A place provides nursery and tuition for these young generation. Furthermore, the pay offered was reasonable to survive throughout the holidays and alike mine, it's a 5 days/week job. I was delighted when i received the news as my instinct told me that she will get a similar job. Honestly, it's my hope for her to get such a job as I personally feels that a role played in children education is less stressful yet dedicated. Stress for different jobs differ and very much dependent on situation and, both internal and external customers. Her new job will commence on the 4th of January 2010, which is also the first day of the new school term of the year 2010. A brand new year with a brand new job.

Gambate dear!

Undeniable Bonding

Recently, I've noticed that a very strong bonding has developed between "loveasiwoulddefine" and "clementine-loveneverdies" and is without doubt, has drastically strengthened over the weeks. My bond with her family has also improved and has felt very much more comfortable in this relationship. The truth beneath every relationship lies greatly on communication. Christmas passed with great memories. I remember the time spent, with both family members and the time both of us had, especially on the Christmas Day itself. Next stop, New Year!

Blogs galore...... Recently, I've got to know a blog that really caught my attention. The blogger gave a huge impact in my life and I am sure to say that she has changed my life for better. This is a blog that goes parallel with the blog of mine. Well, I am proud to announce that both and will soon come together to share certain informations and integrated network. Together, we share a common goal.

See ya!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa's Coming........

Christmas is coming in less than 24 hours. When happiness are seen in everyone faces, some may think Christmas is just another holiday. Well, at least, it's a day of togetherness and the spread of joy. Hereby, I would like to take this opportunity to send my Joyful greetings to everyone who celebrate Christmas, with special dedications to: dearest friends, relatives and colleagues.
Merry Christmas and have a Joyful Holiday!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Malacca Day 3: Why So Fast?

Today I had two breakfast. A bowl of duck noodle and a bowl of soup "wan tan". Then, a very annoying word shadowed my suppossingly cheerful last day here in Malacca. "Ditch" What does the word "ditch" really means? Why must the word keep repeating in my vocab? Have I ever ditched someone? Or has anyone ever ditched me? I was so confused throughout the entire morning.
Our gang of holiday travellers then headed to Jonker Walk "again again" for a meal of Hainanese chicken rice ball. A Malaccan specialty. As always, I had my stomach bloated there. Delicious! No wonder people queued for almost half an hour even in the hot sunny day. We headed to the highway around 3pm as our plan to visit the Zoo was disappointed with the sudden rain.

We arrived Bangsar around 4pm and quickly went for a rest before anyone else. We had our dinner in Chatter Box and Chocolate and there goes another day. The 3 days just went passed like any other day. So fast.........

Malacca Day 2: Downpour Reincarnated

A quality 4 hours slept was just enough to start a new day. We headed to the town in search for Malaccan breakfast. Instead, we found an old shop offering a variety of "dim sum" (colourful food" hehe... :P). The meal was surprisingly tasty for the price we paid. Among the "dim sums", I think that the best was the "Loh Mai Kai" (cooked glutinous rice served with marinated chicken and mushroom). Then, it started to rain.

We waited for the rain stop before we headed to the Stadthuys. We went in the Malacca Museum to shelter from the "on-off" rain. Wind was blowing heavily when we stood foot at the peak of the Malacca Hill. The rain somehow did not defer us from moving about, instead, we had a great challenging time with the rain. It was a little fun too when the rain came. :) Then, we went shopping again, and headed back to hotel for some rest.

The night, we went to Jonker Walk "again" for dinner at the stalls along the street. We tried a variety of food; Vietnamese noodles, Vietnamese "popiah", "Char Kuey Teow", and "Ho Chien". The food tasted reasonably good. The weather in the night was simply awesome but we were disappointed when the river cruise was not operating due to high water level of the river, mainly caused by the rain during the day. We then drove around the Malacca town and arrived at the Portugese Settlement, a place for good seafood. Everyone started to ahow their tired face liao....

Back at hotel, the water heater somehow spoiled as the supply of warm water started to fail. Pei Wen and I then went to bed without shower. Gosh....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Malacca Day 1: The Touchdown

Once again, I left my farm to a faraway land. A land, a town long existed before my little farm. The historical sights of the town impressed me and pulled me back for a second visit within 4 months. However, this time was a little more special. My family headed north to Ipoh, my other aunt and cousin headed south to Singapore, and me, and those chicky little princess headed south too, to Malacca. Travelling is a fun part of life, but it isn't free ($$$).

I left for Malacca at 9am and stepped foot there slightly before 10am. Along the way, I saw many delightful travellers heading to their respective destination with their loved ones. Once arrived, we checked into the hotel and lay the aching bodies onto the comfy bed for a little short while. The hotel we checked in wasn't really fantastic but it was reasonable enough for the price we paid (RM 80 a night for 2 Queen-sized beds) and it's worth coming back again. We went to the Pahlawan Mall nearby for lunch soon after getting enough rest. Then we were all shopping and loitering around the mall when it was raining reasonably heavy outside. When the rain stopped, we went to Jonker Walk, just about 500 meters away from the mall for a meal of local delicacies: a set of nyonya laksa and the aromatic durian cendol. Soon after that, we did not walk much, but to walk back to our hotel due to poor weather condition. We went back to take a shower. Pei Wen and her sisters started to show signs of fatique after walking such a distance.

At about 11.30pm, my friend from Malacca invited me to a club for drink. Together with Josh, Chris and I went for a drink somewhere about 500 meter away from our hotel. There, we had buckets, chat for about 3 hours. Then, we went for "Mamak" around 3am for a short supper before heading back to hotel. I was a little surprised to see that my princess was still awake waiting for me when i am finally back to the hotel. The day ended with a wonderful night. Or should I say, another day started with a wonderful night. Both of us fell asleep near 5am. :) Happy 1st day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Path to Simple Satisfaction

Days passed so fast. It is now only 4 days left before I take on a remarkable journey off the stress and the routine days of life. The journey/holiday I meant was a trip to Malacca, the land of food and sightseeing.

Yesterday, I was halfway to Fraser Hill. I went to fetch the little princess while visiting my princess's aunt. There, I had a great simple meal of poridge and Hokkien mee (a local Malaysian delicacy: fried noodle in thick soy sauce). The porridge was simply awesome with parts of the pig's internal organs. Chinese called it "Chu Chap Chuk", the 3Cs. Unlike other of the porridge in KL, this bowl of hot boiling tasty porridge was added with pieces of fried egg and fried Chinese wax pork sausage, "Lap Cheong". Something I wouldn't find in KL. Then I shared a scrumptious plate of Hokkien noodles, sprinkled with spicy white pepper on it's top. Tasted very much like those of the best in KL. And "Rasa" was the name of the place to find for the food mentioned.

Haha..... you'll be surprise that this might just turn out to be a food blog.
Yum... Yum....

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog Closed for Server Upgrade

Blog has been closed temporary for server upgrade. Contents of blogs will be saved and accessible during upgrade. The blog will be back soon.

Thank You.
Auto message Bloggers via @pple Prince.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Missing Chapters

Haha... I'm back for good, ***finally. The past few days have been very hectic. As usual, time was not enough over the weekend. The days were like catching every drop of rain without fail. Farming was like usual until weekend.

The last Saturday had been something different compared to the past few days of the week. I took princess (right) and little princess (left) to the bazaar nearby to do a litlle shopping. As Christmas is just around the corner, the bazaar was decorated with winter settings together with countless Christmas trees in every view. In conjunction of the holiday season, it was the "Year End Sales" here in every corner of the bazaar. We walked up, down, left and right exploring every stalls to look for "something". Both the princesses were treated to a large sip of a massive cup of Frappuccino, "italian terms: ice blended coffee". Then, our search continued with lively soul. I ended up buying the princess a pair of sneakers bundled with three stripes by the name of "Adidas". Although the shoes came with a hefty price tag, I would think it was just a necessary spending with little or no regret. :P. Then, we went to the snack bar to have some treaty meal. Soon after the treat, we wanted to get a pair of sandals for the little princess, but it ended with disappointment. We then head back to my farm for dinner. The day was just an ordinary but slightly different from the everyday of weekdays. I was fully exhausted at the very end of the day. "Pheww........."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weather Forecast Gone Wrong

The day started off with rain. Today was thought to be a gloomy day as a member of my farm will be leaving us permanently. Nevertheless, I started my day with passion and eagerness. Today, I was scheduled to depart to a faraway place for some trading. Then, out of a sudden, I was slapped with three monkeys to be taken care. Considering today as a buzy day, my work was put to halt when confusion came into scene. It was "storming" heavily elsewhere. All work planned the day before was left aside. But, my day still goes on. I continue my other pending work while taking care of the three little monkeys. :) :) Its only half a day gone for now.............

Lawn Yawn

Yesterday was just another day of the week. A day for avid movie goers. The caramelized aroma of the hot popping popcorn filled the air, reaching every corner of the farm. Still, it's just another day for me. It was a tiring day of consistent farming. My mouth stretched a mile wide, with consistent scratch on my head. So buzy, but I still felt lost in the middle of "boringness". Felt so tired.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Memorial

When a man leaves, others appear. Being a part of the farm family, I felt really fortunate to have a peaceful farewell. After all, everything that has begun will come to an end. A man will have nothing certain in his life. Nobody knows what will really come in future. How sure can I be how long will this tree grow before it falls? How will I know when the rain willl water my seeds?
But one thing I know is that being the owner of my very own farm, it's my responsibility to attend to my farm community with great care and passion.

A man decides his path to take, and for the decision he made, he will have to walk as far as he could. By then, with great satisfaction, he will eventually come to an end.

Appreciate life and live life to the fullest. Life as we knew is neither long nor short.

New "@Prince" Logo Launched

Message from the @pple Prince:

Today holds another historical event of the @pple Farm. A new journey faces new challenges. A new life comes new face. The logo "@Prince" by far, was the most suitable logo created from sketch as the identity of the @pple Farm. The originality of the logo was an example of creativity towards life, as how we should define life is.

The red "@" symbol represents red apple, the wealth of the farm. Symbol of passion and creativity in life.
The word "Prince" represents a ruler. Symbol of man with responsibility and leadership.

*** The symbol "@", "Prince", and "@Prince" are all trademarks of @pple Farm and its owner.

Day 1: Welcome to my @pple Farm


A new day for my beloved family members of the farm. Life as we know, does not know when was the origin. Does our life started from birth? Or some may say life started when we started schooling. Or there are times when the elders say life starts when we enter to working stage of life. But as for sure, my journey here now starts today.
The @pple Prince is here..................................
"A Farm for Everyone"