Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weather Forecast Gone Wrong

The day started off with rain. Today was thought to be a gloomy day as a member of my farm will be leaving us permanently. Nevertheless, I started my day with passion and eagerness. Today, I was scheduled to depart to a faraway place for some trading. Then, out of a sudden, I was slapped with three monkeys to be taken care. Considering today as a buzy day, my work was put to halt when confusion came into scene. It was "storming" heavily elsewhere. All work planned the day before was left aside. But, my day still goes on. I continue my other pending work while taking care of the three little monkeys. :) :) Its only half a day gone for now.............


LoveMyEverything@@@ said...

I walk, walk , and walk......... suddenly i found a farm in front of my view. This farm look so similiar to my mind's memorial place but i am not sure isn't it because the picture quick so blur..........I stop move forward, and thinking...... should i go inside????? em....... don't know what will happen? Yup, the common behaviour for all the people is they will scare for unknown happen things although it may bring a lot of wonderful happiness for us, should i go inside the farm????

@pple Prince said...

Dear LoveMeEverything@@@,

A atep forward will give no harm. If you ever fall onto the ground, just stand up again. You will never know what is inside by just standing outside. Follow the Japanese saying dude. Toyota Motto: Moving Forward.

LoveMyEverything@@@ said...

I moving forward into the farm, a guy call @pple Prince come and say "Welcome to my farm, this is a place for us to share our happiness and sadness, a peaceful environment for everyone that want relax and rest".Ok, i just really want to know that, why the guy call @pple Prince ? I never heard any apple country before this, look so amazing........... if i have a chance to become prince ,what prince should i become ? A prince that only protect and love his lover, always always care what she feeling, only will concern her everything.....

@pple Prince said...

Welll, a prince who ONLY protects his lover ONLY exist in the Disney fairytales. A prince is nothing but just a status. Responsibility is in every man regardless of one man status. Alike every donkey in my farm, each plays a role in the daily upkeep of the farm. But they live a very simple life. A life with minimal fear and confusion. Being a prince is just equivalent to an ordinary man. Why would you ever hope to be a prince?

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