Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Memorial

When a man leaves, others appear. Being a part of the farm family, I felt really fortunate to have a peaceful farewell. After all, everything that has begun will come to an end. A man will have nothing certain in his life. Nobody knows what will really come in future. How sure can I be how long will this tree grow before it falls? How will I know when the rain willl water my seeds?
But one thing I know is that being the owner of my very own farm, it's my responsibility to attend to my farm community with great care and passion.

A man decides his path to take, and for the decision he made, he will have to walk as far as he could. By then, with great satisfaction, he will eventually come to an end.

Appreciate life and live life to the fullest. Life as we knew is neither long nor short.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you talking abt country story?? sounds funny.. anyway, good job, keep it up...

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