Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 1: Welcome to my @pple Farm


A new day for my beloved family members of the farm. Life as we know, does not know when was the origin. Does our life started from birth? Or some may say life started when we started schooling. Or there are times when the elders say life starts when we enter to working stage of life. But as for sure, my journey here now starts today.
The @pple Prince is here..................................
"A Farm for Everyone"


LoveMyEverything@@@ said...

When should the life start? There are many answer from different people, for me, my origin life start since i live inside my mum's body, my family life start since i birth and saw this world, my education life start when i accept education in kindergarden school, my comic life start since i watch dragon ball, and many so-on, and one things is my love life start since i meet her in that wonderful place with memorial time, still have many life waiting for me, i will move forward.i love my all life!

@pple Prince said...

As one man moves into a different stage of his life, he will realize that the world was created to hold all men needs. The motherland that we men are stepping on provides us support in order to bring out the courage within us. The life you gone through till today so far had been great. The haze covering your path will soon disappear after the rain. At then, rainbow will slide through the bright blue sky covering the entire farm. Appreciate the scene!! :) There are many lives in a life. Have fun!!!

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