Monday, December 7, 2009

The Missing Chapters

Haha... I'm back for good, ***finally. The past few days have been very hectic. As usual, time was not enough over the weekend. The days were like catching every drop of rain without fail. Farming was like usual until weekend.

The last Saturday had been something different compared to the past few days of the week. I took princess (right) and little princess (left) to the bazaar nearby to do a litlle shopping. As Christmas is just around the corner, the bazaar was decorated with winter settings together with countless Christmas trees in every view. In conjunction of the holiday season, it was the "Year End Sales" here in every corner of the bazaar. We walked up, down, left and right exploring every stalls to look for "something". Both the princesses were treated to a large sip of a massive cup of Frappuccino, "italian terms: ice blended coffee". Then, our search continued with lively soul. I ended up buying the princess a pair of sneakers bundled with three stripes by the name of "Adidas". Although the shoes came with a hefty price tag, I would think it was just a necessary spending with little or no regret. :P. Then, we went to the snack bar to have some treaty meal. Soon after the treat, we wanted to get a pair of sandals for the little princess, but it ended with disappointment. We then head back to my farm for dinner. The day was just an ordinary but slightly different from the everyday of weekdays. I was fully exhausted at the very end of the day. "Pheww........."

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