Monday, December 14, 2009

The Path to Simple Satisfaction

Days passed so fast. It is now only 4 days left before I take on a remarkable journey off the stress and the routine days of life. The journey/holiday I meant was a trip to Malacca, the land of food and sightseeing.

Yesterday, I was halfway to Fraser Hill. I went to fetch the little princess while visiting my princess's aunt. There, I had a great simple meal of poridge and Hokkien mee (a local Malaysian delicacy: fried noodle in thick soy sauce). The porridge was simply awesome with parts of the pig's internal organs. Chinese called it "Chu Chap Chuk", the 3Cs. Unlike other of the porridge in KL, this bowl of hot boiling tasty porridge was added with pieces of fried egg and fried Chinese wax pork sausage, "Lap Cheong". Something I wouldn't find in KL. Then I shared a scrumptious plate of Hokkien noodles, sprinkled with spicy white pepper on it's top. Tasted very much like those of the best in KL. And "Rasa" was the name of the place to find for the food mentioned.

Haha..... you'll be surprise that this might just turn out to be a food blog.
Yum... Yum....

1 comment:

LoveMyEverything@@@ said...

"Chu Chap Chuk", i remember last time i have eat this porridge with a beautiful girl. In that day, i strongly recommend that girl try red bean dessert "Hong Dou Shu", but the girl don't want to order it, then i request another bowl from waiter, and share my red bean dessert with the beautiful girl. This memory is sweet, sweeter than the dessert ,coz u keep on to do something happy for those u want to protect and love. I still remember that nite............., the shop........, and the face .........................

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