Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye "Two Zero Zero Nine"

The year 2009 witnessed events of many types, both positives and negatives. The death of the King of Pop was one of the biggest lost of 2009. Alongside, came the H1N1 pandermic flu that hit the entire world, causing deaths in many countries. On the bright side saw the world economy started to regain gradually from the severe 2008 economy crisis. The earth rotates constantly as human move forward everyday, leaving heartbreaking and fond memories behind. The next thing you know, 2010 has arrived.
2009 had been a year of both career and love. After one full year employed in Wellness Lab, I finally made up my mind to quit from my post and hunt for a job elsewhere. At first, it was a crazy thought to me as recession was hitting all over the world, it wasn't anywhere near easy to be hired. Then, I was unemployed for two and a half week before I was being employed by Sysmex Malaysia. Challenging days ahead.

Then, the second half of the year was love to everyone. Firstly, I attended my cousin's wedding in Singapore and that was the mark of the beginning of marriage season. The happy couple just received a very precious gift, little Charlotte, about a month ago. Then, my friends, my relatives, my colleagues got tied to the knot one after another. Everyone around me seems to move so fast in life. Maybe, my time has yet to come. :) Well, at the very least I could say, my relationship with Pei Wen has moved to a stage forward. My trip to Malaaca with her was simply a memorable one. The year of 2010 will start with a poor note.
The start of the year 2010 will see the payment of my car insurance, road tax, and renewal of driving license at the very beginning of the year. With credit card bill expected to be at the very minimal, it is my hope to have a maximum level of savings for the year ahead. Let there be a prosperous year ahead.

Happy New Year!!!

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